The Australian Government with The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner created an interactive tool to measure your current danger.
This engaging game will show you where your security is weak and how to improve it.
(This link will open in a new tab)
Many documents (physical and electronic) contain private information about you - making them extremely valuable to thieves
Keep your tax records, bank statements, council rate notices and utility bills safe and wherever possible, use encrypted websites for online transactions.
Shred all personal paperwork before you throw it out. Cross-cut shredders are better for private information and credit cards.
Check your bank accounts and credit cards regularly for unauthorised transactions.
Get a yearly free credit report and monitor any significant changes (click here).
Ignore and delete phishing SMS texts and emails with links. Be wary of online competitions, quizzes and charity raffles you haven’t heard of.
Read privacy conditions on websites and newsletters before opting in.
Check your online shopping sites offer encryption of your personal details and payments (evident by the lock symbol beside their website address, or an encrypted credit card processor on their payment page).
Add extra security layers on your online accounts. Click here for an example of encrypted account access.

If you increase your security levels, make sure you use them to your advantage. A lock to your letterbox doesn't help if you don't use it, or if it can easily be opened (opt for a high-security key).
Strong password advice is recommended for a reason – along with using different passwords for each of your accounts. Questions about you (such as the name of your first pet or first street you lived in) are often used in password reset confirmation checks, so keep these answers safe.
Increase your security before it’s too late. Call your mobile phone provider and add extra security questions to your account – in addition to your security PIN. (These questions need to be answered correctly for any porting request to be approved.)
Telstra - 1800 303 302
Optus - 1800 780 219
Vodafone - 1300 130 741

In times of panic or stress you can’t often think clearly. We have created an Account Recovery Checklist to make it easier in case you become a victim later.
Record phone numbers and other details so you can immediately contact your financial institution and other private accounts.
Download, print, complete and then keep it in a safe space.

Don’t just ‘accept’
Websites are designed to encourage you to 'accept' privacy policies quickly, but it’s worth reading the fine print first.
Don’t click on links in emails or text messages as a general rule
They may contain a dangerous link and are an attempt to get personal information from you. Or they could install viral software on your device and then can scan your computer for bank and credit card details.
Check the sender’s email or phone number before
opening the email or answering the call
Many fake messages pretending to be from companies, banks, technology providers, the tax office and social media groups have suspiciously long email addresses or a country code that has nothing to do with the actual company.
'Odd' email address with many characters and symbols is a definite warning sign that the email is fake.
Sometimes the design skills are excellent - making the email look legitimate at first glance. Take the time to check the sender’s details - if it doesn't look right then it probably isn't. And if you’re not sure – delete immediately.
Mistakes with grammar and spelling often indicate a fraudulent email, but thieves are getting better at sending credible messages.
Delete and block emails from addresses you do not recognise or are unsure about.